The purchase receipt/invoice should be enclosed in the packaging of your order.
Should you not be able to find it:
- Check behind the courier voucher. Many stores put the invoice/receipt in the voucher pocket which is attached to the package.
- In some cases, there is a digital copy of receipt/invoice uploaded in the “Orders” section your account. All you have to do is click the “Details” button at the right corner of your order, and there you will see the option “Download receipt”. Once you click it, the document will pop-up in a new window, and you will be able to download it.
Alternatively, if the receipt/invoice is not already uploaded, you can request that the store uploads it to your account by clicking the “Request Receipt” button.
Once the invoice/receipt is uploaded, we will notify you by an automated email, letting you know that the document is available for you to download.
If none of the above is the case, please contact is by filling the contact form, so we can reach out to the store and send you all the invoice/receipt through an email.