In case you received fewer products than those you had originally ordered, you can inform us through your Skroutz account so that we can send you the remaining items or issue a refund!
- Log in to your Skroutz profile.
- Go to your profile avatar and select the option “Orders”.
- Click on “Did you face a problem?” next to the order you are interested in.
- Under “What went wrong?” select “Missing line item” (if you were expecting multiple items of the same product) or “I did not receive the product” (if you didn't receive the product at all).
- If you received fewer items, you can specify the exact number of missing items.
- Under “What do you want?” you can request for a refund or the remaining items.
- You also have the option to add any comments that could help us handle your request and finally you will need to click “Continue” to submit your request.
Once your request has been submitted, it will be reviewed by our team and you will receive an email informing you about the next steps of the process.